Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hair coloring and perming products contains chemicals

  Did you know that some common allergies and symptoms could be connected to the chemicals in your hair products? Anyone who has ever been in a hair salon has some idea that harsh chemicals are being used there. The smell is the first giveaway. And many people who get their hair colored have experienced the burning sensation when a little bit of bleaching agent comes in contact with their scalp. Some who are more sensitive experience itchy, watery eyes the whole time their hair is being processed.

I once had the unfortunate experience of having a strand of bleach-covered hair hit me directly in the eye. Although it was a tiny amount and I flushed my eye for about ten minutes afterwards, my eye stayed bright red and my vision was blurry for several days. For those with Allergies or even just increased sensitivity, a product with mostly natural ingredients like Organic Salon Systems might be a better answer.

The fact is that most hair coloring and perming products contain harsh chemicals like ammonia, sulfates and synthetic fragrance that are known skin and lung irritants. Not everyone has the same level of reaction to these irritants and some with higher levels of sensitivity will have an increased reaction. Because certain chemicals build up in the system over time, a person can develop sensitivity to one or more of these chemicals from increased exposure. It’s not just the hair salon that’s exposing you, either. Sulfates and synthetic fragrance can be found in almost every shampoo and hair care product you can buy at the grocery store.

The American Academy of Pediatrics lists “chemicals used in industry” as one of the more common causes of allergies. These include cosmetics and perfumes as well as cleansers and household detergents (). These products can be hard to avoid because they are so widespread. But there are products out there that do not contain these irritants. Organic Salon Systems carries a line of Color, Care and Control products with no sulfates and using natural fragrances.
These are salon-only, high-quality products. So there is no need to worry that you’ll be washing your hair with an all-natural product that dries your hair or leaves it oily, like some of the products you may have tried at the health food store. If you have ever experienced allergies or chemical sensitivities to any of the many chemicals in hair products ask your hair dresser to try something like Organic Salon Systems. Natural products could make all the difference.

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